Hours : Mon To Sat - 08AM - 04PM, Sunday Closed

About Us

St. Dominic Savio Schools

The leading School in Iringa Region.

St. Dominic Savio Schools in Iringa have been accredited by the National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) for the Primary and Secondary Programs. The schools features state of the art facilities, a multicultural student and an experienced team of educators and staff. We provide quality education in the highest standard, admission to our school is based on merit and we consider all eligible students regardless of socio-economic status.

                                        School Motto

                  We learnnot_for school but for life

                                         School Mission

The version of St Dominic Savio  schools isthat children will have better future life attaining quality andgood education       

                                           School Vision

To provide good and quality education


                                           Our Branches